Member-only story
Finding Compassion for Hateful People
The Archangels Offer Guidance
I’m human, like everyone else, and I have human emotions and reactions like everyone does. I’ve been working hard on nonjudgment and compassion for people who I find aggravating and dangerous. Sometimes I do a good job, and sometimes … not so much. However, I do catch myself and try to backtrack and stop the anger and judgment that can arise, not for anyone else’s sake, but for my own. I don’t like feeling that way, so I work hard to maintain my peace of mind, because anger and hostility don’t feel good.
I asked the Archangels about how we can strengthen our resolve to avoid sacrificing our peace of mind after being triggered by someone else’s negative ideas or actions, and their response follows.
Question: How can we find compassion for hateful people?
There are a few things to consider and remember when dealing with these people. You should keep in mind that everyone is on their own path and timetable, and everyone, pleasant or unpleasant, serves a purpose.
Everyone on Earth right now chose to be there in order to help with The Shift. Some are easy to spot, whether you call them lightworkers, way showers, awakened, psychics, etc. When you meet someone…