Christine, I’m not suggesting putting any limits on practicing Christianity or any other religion. The US was founded on religious freedom, not Christian freedom. You’re entitled to your beliefs, but so is everyone else. When kids are forced to participate in Christian prayer, that’s infringing on their religious freedom. When you say Christianity is ours, that’s incorrect. Christianity is yours and belongs to everyone who practices it, but it is not and cannot be forced on everyone else who doesn’t practice it, and when you base law on any religious belief, that’s unfair to everyone living here who practices a different religion, and that includes teaching Christian creation in public schools. The only way that would be fair and in honor of religious freedom is if all religious beliefs were included in the curriculum. I took a world religion class in high school and found it fascinating and understood religions better afterwards, as it was not biased for or against any one religion.
When a woman is forced to have a child against her will, that’s an infringement on her rights. Forget abortion for a moment, and substitute the opposite. What about the Chinese women who were forced to get abortions they didn’t want? Should the government have the right to do that, or should that be her choice? Should the government have the right to impose birth control or sterilization, or should that be a woman’s choice? Should everyone be forced to get the COVID shot, or should we have a choice on what goes into their own body? I’m not promoting abortions here, I’m promoting the right to make personal choices that the government should have no business getting involved with.
I appreciate and respect your comment, which you presented in a respectful manner. I hope you read my comment knowing I offer it with the same respect. If everyone would present their views like this, maybe we could start to understand each other a little better. Thank you for taking the time to try to help me understand your point of view. Blessings.