Believe me, I’m very grateful to not be homeless, starving, or living in a war zone. Those things, at least so far, are not a part of the life plan my soul designed. Everyone has their own reality, right? It’s not a comparison between people regarding which life is harder. Whether we take the time to learn from hardship or not, we do learn, not only on a human level, which is what most people are most concerned with, understandably since we’re all human beings, but also on a spiritual level.
I’m not saying that all people should accept whatever comes their way with confidence and gratitude. Sometimes, we can’t do that. When we’re in survival mode, whether physically or mentally/emotionally, sometimes all we can do is hold on. But, if we can learn to cope with tragedy, hardship, etc. in positive ways, rather than negative ways and exchange hope for fear, all the better. If there are times we can’t do that, fine and understandable, but if we can teach ourselves to handle things with grace and acceptance and learn something in the process, all the better for us. Maybe we can do this during hardship, and maybe we will need time to process after a crisis passes, but I think coping comes in many forms, and if it leads to healing, we’re doing something right that helps us overcome hard times. There is no judgement or criticism or privilege here, just the desire to help.