Apologies, Denise, if the information came across that way. It was in no way intended to offend or cast any group in a bad light. The account described a vision of a scene and set of circumstances in a previous life that I don’t remember and cannot attest to, and neither can the healer who worked with me. She merely shared what was revealed to her during the process, and I shared it with my readers. She mentioned also, and I shared that it was one of the older religious sects, possibly Puritan, Quaker, Amish, etc. All Christians, including these groups, are supposed to be guided by love and peace, and many are, but as is true of all groups, there are those who follow that path and others who don’t, unfortunately. There are many people in the past, present, and no doubt the future who describe themselves as religious who do not conduct themselves accordingly, and I’m assuming the incident described during the healing session is such an example. There are “good” and “bad” people in every group. Blessings.